Evaluating a Bold Approach to Economic and Social… October 25, 2018 | by Cristina Magaña, Diana McDonnell and Mildred Ferrer How can we build economic and social mobility for low-income families? This question may seem daunting, but the Family Independence Initiative (FII) is tackling it with ingenuity. FII invests in…
Where to find Harder+Company at #eval18 October 24, 2018 | by Carly Chillmon We’re excited to meet with our evaluation colleagues in Cleveland at the upcoming Evaluation 2018, the annual conference of the American Evaluation Association. If you are attending the conference, our staff…
Countdown to #Eval18: What does Harder+Company think about… October 15, 2018 | by Joelle Greene, Matthew Kronz, Sophia Lee, Ellen Marya, Tim Morrison and Richard Vezina The 2018 American Evaluation Association conference is two weeks away! This year’s theme is “Speaking Truth to Power.” But, what does that really mean to evaluators? As our team members…
From the Classroom to the Community: Reflections from… August 8, 2018 | by Donna Leong and Young Kim-Parker This summer, Harder+Company hosted two UC Berkeley master’s in public health dual degree graduate students, Donna Leong and Young Kim-Parker, for a 12-week full-time internship. Donna is entering her second…
Bridging Theory and Practice through a National, Place-Based… July 3, 2018 | by Willow Mata, Maricela Piña and Richard Vezina In policy and systems change work, the gap between theory and practice is a frequent challenge. How do we bridge the divide that can emerge between the knowledge gained through…
Applying Investigative Journalism to Spur Learning June 14, 2018 | by Tim Morrison As evaluators, we are always evolving our practice to support learning and inform strategy. Sometimes this means rethinking the assumptions we hold about the optimal balance between technical rigor and…