2019 California Family Resource Center (FRC) Statewide Survey

With funding from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Harder+Company launched an online statewide survey of California FRC executive directors in June 2019. The 2019 California Family Resource Center Statewide Survey results brief describes the characteristics, client populations, needs, and evaluation practices of FRCs in California as a whole and of the state’s various regions. Learn more here:

Survey Tool

The survey tool used for the 2019 California Family Resource Center Statewide Survey . Link

Survey Results Data Book (Overall)

Question-by-question results from the 2019 California Family Resource Center Statewide Survey. Link

Survey Results Data Book (by Region)

Question-by-question results from the 2019 California Family Resource Center Statewide Survey, presented by Strategies 2.0 regions. Link


Recording of statewide webinar presented on 11/5/19. Link

Literature Review Matrix

Inventory of various reports and studies on the impact of FRC services in California and other regions of the United States. Includes individual, document-level summaries for each source. Link

Literature Review Narrative

Overall narrative summary of findings from various reports and studies on the impact of FRC services in California and other regions of the United States. Link

Future Directions Memo

Recommendations and potential next steps for continuing to build an understanding of the role FRCs play locally and statewide, based on the results of the California FRC Survey. Link